unsaid | unseen
to signify the intention to send (fold),
or the intention to read (unfold)
coming into and always in the midst of becoming (crease)
to create a barrier to the viewer’s gaze; to obscure the intimate acts of grieving, confessing, and processing loss (fold)
as a communion of being in my body and feeling what is there (unfold)
the recognition that printed material — like my body — holds the memory of forms and iterations previously held (crease)

The Gallery at Casa, Lethbridge AB, January 2019
to signify the intention to send (fold),
or the intention to read (unfold)
coming into and always in the midst of becoming (crease)
to create a barrier to the viewer’s gaze; to obscure the intimate acts of grieving, confessing, and processing loss (fold)
as a communion of being in my body and feeling what is there (unfold)
the recognition that printed material — like my body — holds the memory of forms and iterations previously held (crease)

From left to right, top to bottom:
“how wrong I have been”
“lift times”
These two letters were crosswrit in addition to being printed on both sides of a translucent sheet of gampi, then folded and chine colled to a piece of BFK Rives.
“dear kmb (pt. 1)”
“dear kmb (pt. 2)”
These letters were printed on both sides of a sheet of translucent gampi, and chine colled without a fold onto BFK Rives. Parts of the letter have been self-redacted, complicating the visible areas of text.
“inadequate, yet necessary”
“I’m unsure, I’ve found”
Doublesided drypoint prints on semitransparent gampi paper, folded and chine colled to BFK Rives.
Paper size: 13” x 15”
Printed size, prefold: “6”x 8”

From left to right:
“I’ve found/ I’m unsure”
“do you remember”
“trying to not return here”
“ill or often”
“two inches”
Each piece is a drypoint printed letter, printed on both sides of a transparent gampi. The words are, for the most part, illegible due to the over-writing of the two sides. The letter is then folded and chine colled to a piece of BFK Rives.
Paper size: 13” x 15”
Prefolded print size: 6”x 8”
Editions of 4

haze (I) and haze (II)
Sugarlift aquatint and waterbite etching printed on gampi and chine colled to BFK Rives. Text reads “a measured grief” and “this sentimental sediment”
Image size: 3.5” x 3.5”
Paper size: 10.5” x 10”

discarded sentiments
Variable installation of 100 pieces of printed material, each treated with konnyaku and crumpled.

nothing if not sentimental
A varied edition of five prints. Multiplate drypoint on gampi, folded and chine colled to BFK Rives
10.25” x 13”